Stories from a Texas Girl from Across the World

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” - Mark Twain

Monday, December 12, 2011

Nearing the End...

Although I had every intentions of keeping up with this blog, somehow time and life got in the way.  I have had every single range of emotions possible in the last few months.  There is something about knowing that with every month, day, minute the end is coming closer that makes me want to just soak up every second.  This temporary life abroad has its shares of blessings and's biggest curse being the inevitable ending that comes with it.  Goodbyes have become just as normal and reoccurring as the Hellos. A co-worker and I joked that the only parties we seem to go to are birthday parties and going away parties. Growing up in Houston and attending university at A&M meant that Goodbyes were never a huge part of my life.  Yes, most of my closest friends live in different cities now, but no more than 4 hours by car.  It had thankfully been very easy to stay in touch with weekend getaways and of course Facebook/skype/etc.  Even now being thousands of miles away, I am able to keep up with most of the news/gossip/events thanks to the ridiculous advances in technology.  I am beyond thankful for that.

Here, things are very different.  Despite moving here with the understanding that it isn't forever, and despite my strongest attempts to the contrary, I made a life here.  I made relationships and memories that I can't imagine living without.  For the first time in my life, I have had to come to terms with the fact that many Goodbyes said here will be permanent ones.  Not to say that I won't stay in touch with the people I've come to know here.  Once again, technology has made staying in touch easy and possible; however, I do know that many of the people I know will go back to their respective countries just like I will, and our time here will feel more dream-like than real.

Christmas is less than two weeks away.  For the first time in my life, I won't be home for the holidays.  It was by no means an easy decision to make.  The holidays are and have always been a HUGE part of my life.  Seeing family, making our famous Chocolate Goodies, seeing "A Christmas Carol"'s hard to imagine a Christmas without these things.  I know part of the reason for this decision was knowing whole-heartedly that home is a constant in my life.  I don't feel desperate to be there every second, because I am completely confident that part of me will always be there no matter where I am.  I do; however, have a desperation for my life on this side of the world.  Knowing how close the end is makes me cling to every single day that I am able to experience this life.  It will be different.  It will feel weird, I'm sure, but it will also be new, exciting, and unforgettable.  Never in my life would I have thought that I would be surrounded by such amazing and adventurous's addictive and wonderful.  Over Christmas holiday, I will have teacher friends in India, Vietnam, Bali, America, Australia and New Zealand.  I can't wait to share stories, and while it will be hard being away from my family, I can't wait to add more memories and two more stamps to my passport.

Australia and New Zealand here I come :)