Stories from a Texas Girl from Across the World

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” - Mark Twain

Thursday, August 18, 2011


If there is anyone who has even the slightest issues with abandonment who has considered living abroad, I must warn's hard.  It's hard making friends and then saying goodbye to them a few months or even years later.  The reality that I might never see some of the people that I spend most of my time with after our time together in Singapore takes its toll.  Being the girl who only ventured an hour and a half away for college, I was used to having the comfort of knowing all my friends (old and new) were close by.  Even after college all of my closest friends were no farther than 4 hours away.  

One thing that I appreciate so much about being abroad is the opportunity to meet such a wide range of people.  People that I would have never had the chance to know otherwise.  People of all ages, nationalities, beliefs, name it.  It can be a bit intimidating at times meeting people that you are so different from, but in the end, it's the friendships that I've made here that have made my experience so amazing.  Not many people know much about my job other than I teach English reading/writing to young children.  Without divulging too much of the drama, the company we all work for is not the most professional or the most compassionate...especially considering their employees move thousands of miles to work for them.  That being said, the ONLY way I have survived my whole two years (almost) is with the help of the relationships I've made here.  Without them, I would have either   a) gone insane   b) gone home  or  c) a & b.

The major problem of having a temporary job in a foreign country is that the friendships made here are forced to be temporary as well.  You have to be willing to open up right away as well as be ready to say goodbye soon afterwards.  Lately, I feel like I've had to say goodbye way too many times.  It comes and goes in waves.  Every few months there is another grouping of people coming and going, and it just so happens that this is one of those "going" times.  People that I was used to seeing almost daily are now continuing their journey on different continents or moving back to their home countries.  As harsh as it sounds, it is necessary to become a bit numb to the sadness of goodbye.  Don't get me wrong, it is still incredibly hard, but it sort of comes with the territory.  

It is still wonderful to know that however long or short these relationships might have been in Singapore, I have full confidence that many of them will continue on for years from now.  I also love the fact that I now know people who are so different from me in so many ways.  I am a semi-traditional Texas gal and I now have friends who are liberal, vegetarian, British, environmentalists, Australian, Buddhist, and yogis...just to name a few.  Almost all of whom still find the word "yall" hilarious.  I have learned from each and every person I've met here in some capacity and I am thankful that I have been able to experience so many different viewpoints.  I hope that they can say the same about me one day.  

No matter where our lives take us, we will always have the memories of our time together in Singapore (the good, the bad and the ugly) and I wouldn't trade that for anything.  I am thankful for each and every friendship I have made here.  The revolving door will keep spinning, and soon it will be my turn to go.  It will be as though I was never here and someone new will come and take my place.  Until then, time will just keep moving, the world will keep spinning and new friends will keep coming.    

In no particular order...those who have recently broken my heart left Singapore.  You are missed!

Kirsty - Roommates for over a year and a half!   We went through
A LOT together but I wouldn't trade it for anything!
Jo (aka Jerome) - such a FUN friend who left too soon.  
No doubts we will stay in touch for a long time :)
Caroline - she wasn't here long, but I loved our lunch/gossip sessions at work :)

Arianna...truly one the greatest people I've ever met...and the
last person to leave who was here when I arrived.  The end of an era.

Sally (on the right) - one of my few non-work friends
who is back in Australia - hopefully see you in December!

Gemma - another non work friend and one of my very first friends in Singapore -
So many great memories together!  I'll hopefully be seeing you in December as well!

Shalyn - an American and a work friend.  Thanks for introducing me to the
film industry as well as giving me a real Thanksgiving dinner :)

Laura - she might have left last December, but she is still
one of my greatest Singapore friends.  Can't wait for March 2012 to see her again!
Another bonus that comes with knowing all these great people is having an excuse to visit more amazing countries to see them!  December 2011 and March 2012 are going to be awesome. :)

"Don’t be dismayed at good-byes. A farewell is necessary before we can meet again and meeting again, after moments or a lifetime, is certain for those who are friends."

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