Stories from a Texas Girl from Across the World

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” - Mark Twain

Sunday, February 26, 2012

6 weeks later...

It's been tough to keep up with the blogging these last few weeks, mostly because rather than write about it I chose to lay on the beach...doing nothing.  You know how alot of people say that they would get bored to death lying on a beach all day?  Yea I'm not one of them.  I've absolutely loved being a beach bum, and what better place to do that than in the southern beaches of Thailand?? The most gorgeous cliffs, crystal clear water, and squeaky white sand are all within a three minute walk from me.  After the first 4 1/2 weeks of this trip being absolutely packed with activities, tours, volunteering, and general running-around, I was more than happy to just. chill.

Getting to paradise is never an easy task for some reason, and this proved to be true in the great Bangkok Bus Scam of 2012 (as we lovingly call it).

Expectation: Asking the hotel to book an overnight direct VIP bus from Bangkok to Krabi
Reality: a 1980's "VIP" bus that was 4 hours late picking us up from the filthy sidewalks of Bangkok with minimally reclining seats and zero leg space that was not only indirect, but required a stop over at 7 am to wait for another non-VIP (to put it nicely) bus to take us to the outskirts of Krabi.  whoa.

After that it was easy sailing for the most part.  Thailand is not exactly world renowned for its transportation systems, so all the drama has been chalked up to Asian experiences and laughed about...after very long naps of course.

So from Krabi to Phuket there has been nothing but gorgeous weather, a million too many speedos, and extreme relaxation.  Oh and a burn on the side of my leg that is bigger than a silver dollar from the motorbike exhaust pipe.  Making it out of a 6 week Asian trek with only one injury is a victory in my books.

So tomorrow is the day we fly back to Singapore to spend the final 72 hours with amazing friends, closing bank accounts, and actually moving out for good, which I couldn't feel more weird about.  Then it's onwards to the Queen's country to see some long lost friends which I couldn't be more excited about.  Lots and lots of conflicting emotions these days.  No matter how I feel or how much I can't believe it's time, the end is here.  I'll be back in Tejas in 2 weeks for a new start and new adventures and I can't wait to give the biggest hugs to my family and friends...and eat my weight in queso.

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