Stories from a Texas Girl from Across the World

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” - Mark Twain

Monday, May 23, 2011

Home is Where the Heart Is

Everyone has heard that cliche saying a million times before..."Home is where the heart is."  And under normal circumstances that is almost always true.  No matter how you might try, nothing seems to live up to Mom's home-cooking, long chats with Dad, goofing off with your sisters and cuddling with your pets.  Despite how strong or independent you may be, the moment you enter your parent's house you are 5 years old again, just wanting to be taken care of.  At least that's how I feel when I am home.  I am also aware that I am lucky enough to feel so safe and secure in my home and to have a family that welcomes me with open arms anytime I am around.  

So for me, "Home is where the heart is" has always made perfect sense.  My heart always felt the most complete when I was there - surrounded by my closest friends and family.  Being a self-proclaimed "hater-of-change" my entire life, I had no doubts that this simple statement would always be my truth.  

Fast forward to present day - As I reach my year and half mark of living in Singapore, I start to wonder if it is at all possible for your heart to be in two places at once.  Although I don't necessarily feel the connection with Singapore as I do with my real home, I have created a life here.  A life where the once impossible is now possible.  I have been fortunate enough to see places that probably wouldn't even show up on a map.  I have seen coastlines that I never even dreamed I would see with sunsets that would make the even the harshest critic melt.  I've experienced the good, the bad, and the ugly of traveling - nasty hostels and bed bugs included.  I have made relationships that I feel certain will last a lifetime.  Suddenly this change-hating girl seems to actually crave change and all the new adventures that change brings with it.  

So now I have to wonder if it's possible that "home" can mean more than just your childhood family home.  Maybe home can mean wherever you feel most yourself at that current time in your life.  I have learned more about myself and this beautiful world in one and half years than I ever thought possible.  I have a new appreciation for every inch of God's creation and a desire to explore it.  

Now before anyone panics and thinks that I'm now destined for a life of wandering and eating berries and twigs (MOM)...Another thing I have learned while being as far away from home as geographically possible - I love home.  I love the feeling of being around people that love you unconditionally.  There will never be anything like it, and I am so thankful that I have that to go back to one day.  I know that I will know when the right time is to make my way back to the homeland and that when I do, I won't regret it.  I also know that I will never stop wanting to see more of the world.  

So here I am, two people in one body.   Two homes within one heart.  One home is constant and one is constantly changing.  I think the most important thing I've learned is that you don't have to forget where you came from in order to see where you are going.  I believe one can't exist without the other.  So if home is where the heart is...I think I have enough room in my heart now to feel at home wherever I am.  

(But nothing will ever beat my mom's home-cooking, long chats with my dad, goofing off with my sisters or cuddling with my pets.)

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