Stories from a Texas Girl from Across the World

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” - Mark Twain

Sunday, May 29, 2011

My Did

When I signed a two year contract for my job in Singapore, my first thought was how will I survive that long without seeing my family??  I knew I would be home for Christmas in between, but as I said goodbye at the airport on December 27, 2009 I distinctly remember the sinking feeling in my chest thinking that I wouldn't hug my mom, dad or sisters for an entire year.  Previously I think the longest I had ever gone without seeing them was a a couple months in college.  I lived only an hour and half away, so I was able to be around for every holiday, every birthday, and even when I just needed some of Mom's TLC.  The realization that I would not be able to jump in the car and drive to see them was enough to make me seriously doubt if I could actually do this.  But I did. 

Thanks to advances in technology, living on the other side of the world is nothing like it used to be.  I can Email, Gchat, Facebook and Skype anyone from home pretty much when I want to.  This has been the biggest blessing for me, because as "brave" as I might seem since I made the move over here, I am still very much dependent on the words of encouragement and love from my family and friends. 

The reason I say all of this is because the day that my Dad told me that my 24th birthday present would be sending Ellen, my 20 year old sister, was seriously the greatest day up until that point.  She couldn't have come at a better time.  She arrived at my 6-month mark...which everyone here will agree is the "6 month slump".  My parents can attest to the fact that Ellen and I didn't always get along when we were younger.  Once I started my teen years, we fought allll the time - whether it be over borrowing clothes, having to drive to school her to school, or our completely different morning habits.  My mom used to always say, "I just want you to be friends."  Once I left for college something clicked, and we have been best friends and "Dids" ever since.  (I won't get into how we created the nickname "Did", but it includes Ellen as a two year old with a speech impediment).  Her trip to visit was enough to get me through my first year and for that I am so thankful!  

One of my favorite stories happens before she even arrived into Singapore.  If you know Ellen, you will definitely be able to picture what I'm about to describe...

Those who know us, know that we are VERY different.  We might look like twins, but our personalities and our habits are as opposite as possible.  So when Ellen flew out of Houston, to Amsterdam, and onwards to Singapore by herself, I was right to be slightly concerned.  She texted me once she landed in Amsterdam to let me know she had made it.  I quickly responded telling her to text me when she got onto the plane for Singapore.  Hours text.  I tried calling and texting her.  No response.  I checked her flight online and it was on schedule, but the fact that I hadn't heard from her made me freak out, thinking she had missed the flight or gotten into some sort of trouble.  I called the airline in the hopes that they could confirm that she got on the flight.  Thanks to 9-11 the guy pretty much laughed as he said "We can't release that kind of information".  That's when I began to get hysterical.  (Ellen is the laid back one - I am the over reactor.)  I called the airline again, and this time I was lucky to get a woman.  Through tears I told her that my baby sister was flying through Amsterdam and as far as I knew she had been kidnapped and sold.  Luckily she was a bit more understanding and informed me that "I can't tell you if she's on the plane...but I can tell you that all the scheduled passengers were accounted for".  *Sigh of relief*.  As I waited by the gate to pick her up, I saw everyone from her flight walk through - except her.  I freak out again, thinking the lady must have gotten it wrong.  Sure enough, an HOUR after she landed...her comes Ellen - swinging her ponytail and sauntering along.  She informed me later that her phone had died and she hadn't thought to charge it, she had gotten lost in the airport (which is pretty much impossible in Singapore) and then she got distracted by a few stores.  Wow.  I could have killed her if I didn't want to hug her so badly.  Oh well, that's my Did.

Our time together was ridiculously fun.  She was in Singapore for a few days where we did the silly "touristy" stuff.  

Had to eat at Hooters for Pop :)
Indian Temple

She met a few of my teacher friends and got to experience Singaporean live music, which consists of remakes of Journey, Lady Gaga and Backstreet Boys.

At Insomnia

We also did what every girl in her twenties did around this time - went to see Sex and the City 2 in the theater.  Not the greatest movie of all time, but seeing it together, in Singapore, was priceless.

Next, it was time to get out of Singapore!  We went to Thailand with Julian (poor guy) where we stayed in Phuket for a couple nights before taking a ferry to the most GORGEOUS place on earth - Phi Phi Island.  It was a slice of Heaven.  We rode in long boats, ate local food, Ellen got proposed to by a few local men and given jewelry...just your average vacation. :)  Words can't really describe the awesomeness of this place so I'll let the pictures do the talking, but the only thing that made it even more amazing was getting to experience it with my Did.  She makes everything more fun (I'm pretty sure anyone who knows her will agree with me on that).  

Being Dids at the airport
Phuket, Thailand
Saying hi to the elephants
"All Day!"

Phi Phi Island

Island gear - check!

Long Boat

"The Beach" (from the movie with Leo DiCaprio!)

Engagement #1 - the one who gave jewelry

Engagement #2 - the one who made a heart out of a straw


So thank you Did for all the amazing memories...and thank you Dad for making it possible. :) 

Dearest Emma - before you say that I forgot all about you - don't worry - there's a whole blog coming your way soon :)


  1. Why did the Hooters pic not make it on facebook? That SOOOO would have gone in B's Christmas calendar :) (Suz) Oh, and I agree, Ellen definately makes life more fun!!

  2. It was on Facebook I think! It's one of my favorites! I'm sure Pop was so proud :) Miss you and love you!

  3. LOVE this! I am totally the freak out kind of older sis, too :) We must do so because we don't know how Mags and Ellen survive without our big sis leadership all the time...let's just be honest. they need us.
