Stories from a Texas Girl from Across the World

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” - Mark Twain

Monday, May 9, 2011

Long Overdue

December 27, 2009 I hugged and kissed my family before boarding a plane in Houston, Texas bound for Singapore. 

I can't put into words the emotions I felt in those final moments.  Until that point, I had only said I was going to move to Singapore.  Suddenly I was at the airport with no turning back.  (Although my mom did tell me more than once that I could in fact change my mind and go back home - much to her dismay I had already made up my mind...although to say that I didn't consider it would be a total lie.)  My dad suggested one last family hug and prayer before I had to go through security.  When he started to cry it was all over for the rest of us.  I am so thankful and blessed to have a family that loves and cares for me so much.

A few million tears and four big hugs later, I was on my way through security to board the plane that would take me to Singapore - alone.  I don't think I have ever been alone in my entire life.  Being from a huge Southern family does not really allow for alone time.  In fact, just the word "alone" makes me uncomfortable.  Maybe that is exactly why I felt like I needed to make this huge leap of faith - to conquer my strongest fear.

I have lived in Singapore for almost a year and half now, yet I remember this day with such clarity.  I went through every single possible emotion in that 24 hours.  Excitement, fear, anxiety, pride, loneliness, and hope.  Although I didn't blog at the time, I did write a journal entry during my layover in Dubai.  Here is a snippet...

"When I realized my phone wasn't going to work here [Dubai], I got overwhelmed.  I rushed around the airport to find a calling card and then wandered aimlessly until I found a pay phone.  I couldn't get my card to work which sent me into a total panic.  Finally a random saint helped me and I heard it ringing.  The second my dad answered I broke down.  Not really sure why but it was so relieving to hear his voice.  After he calmed me down I was able to pull myself together and realize that I was in Dubai! As Dad said, "The hardest part is over." 

Embarrassingly enough, my first international meal of my new and exciting life was ... McDonald's.  I couldn't help it.  I knew I'd like it, it's familiar and it was the first thing I saw (and smelled).  I think the fact that I ate a quarter pounder with cheese in another country makes it much fancier.  Good news is McDonald's = yummy in any language. 

Despite my earlier meltdown, I feel much more at ease than I thought I would.  I'm really doing this.  Next stop...Singapore."

And so my adventure began.  I am so glad that I made the decision to come here.  I have experienced more than I ever thought I would in this lifetime and for that I will always be thankful.

I hope that everyone (especially those at home) enjoy my somewhat "backwards blog" as I attempt to look back on the last year and half.  Be patient with me...I'm still new at all of this. I love and miss you all so very much and I wouldn't be who I am today without you.

                                    Arriving at Immigration December 29, 2009

                      My first Singapore sunrise...jet lag has never been kind to me

                       The Merlion - Singapore's symbol - half mermaid and half lion

                             Singapore skyline - from the top of Tiger Tower

                                             Enjoying the view


  1. Anna, you're such a gifted writer! I love the details of that 1st day & I am so glad you didn't turn back. You've grown so much during your time in Singapore and I look forward to hearing about all the experiences you still have left!

  2. AK - I concur with Liz - you are a very gifted writer! The part about hugging, praying and crying with your family almost made me cry :)! SOOOOOO glad you started this blog! Can't wait to read more!! Love, Suz
