Stories from a Texas Girl from Across the World

“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines, sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” - Mark Twain

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Most of you probably had the exact same question that I did when I accepted my position here.  "Where the heck is Singapore??"  I definitely had to do a google search to see where it was that I had agreed to spend the next two years of my life.  All I knew was it was somewhere in was far away...and yep that's about it.  Oh and that they have some of the strictest laws in the world?  Awesome.

Let the research begin.  My dad being the study bug that he is would send me regular emails with random facts about Singapore.  I thought I would put together a list that would hopefully give those who have never heard much about Singapore an idea of what the country is like.

  • Singapore is the second smallest country in Asia 
    • (despite what many from home thought, it is NOT in China - although I do get a kick out of letters that are sent to Singapore, China haha) 
    • It is the dot on the map is bigger than the country itself.

  • English is the official language of Singapore - I know weird huh?  
    • The four main languages are English, Chinese, Malay and Tamil.
    • Children are raised learning English and their mother tongue - however, local English is usually a broken English called "Singlish"  
      • example: "I don't want to." ---> "Don wan lah"
      • example: "I can't do it." ---> "Can not"
  •  Singapore is practically on the equator
    • It is HOT and HUMID all year round - I am a Houston girl, but trust's on a whole other level over here 
  • Yes, they cane people here.  
  • No, you will not get caned for chewing gum. 
  • Yes, they do have fines for EVERYTHING.

  • Singapore is definitely a safe and well-run place.  It is the perfect place to go as a single, female, first time traveler (which I think is the only reason my parents "allowed" me to come here :) )
  • It is a melting pot of different Asian and Western culture - On one street you might find a noodle and rice hawker stall (aka yummy greasy local food for about $1-$3) and next door will be a McDonald's or Subway.  Sometimes the abundance of western food and clothing options makes me have to remind myself that I am in fact living in Asia.

Overall, life here is simple and easy.  Being able to speak English with everyone and eat my usual comfort food when I crave it, has made my life very comfortable and my transition as smooth as possible when moving across the world.  Living is a bit pricey, food and travel are cheap, and a trip to the doctor costs only $20 without insurance.  

I think I made a pretty good choice for my first jump across the ocean.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that's amazing, Ms. Anna :) Singapore sounds so nice. BTW, this is Joe C. one of your students from the SCA summer program.
